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Bandcamp Recommendations 3/24/2011

Thursday again. Here we go, some fine music to wet your appetite for the weekend and throughout the week ahead. Get your free tunes and make a purchase from the bands if you like what you hear from them.

I have to thank the Wine, Women and Song blog for pointing me to this first recommendation. 

First Matter represents Sungod’s first recorded excursions into the vastness of the inner space. The sonic forms move from driving 70’s psychedelia to desolate western soundscapes and create a cerebral amalgam of heavy riffs, hypnotic drones, and pulsing rhythms. Captured to analog tape, the nature of the sound is organic, warm and intimate. This quality of the recording, combined with the exploratory nature of the music, make the two-piece’s cosmic collection of improvisations and compositions an ideal soundtrack for the altered mind.

Blow your mind.

Across Tundras is no stranger to good music and certainly needs no introduction. They are offering up their 2009 release, Herds of the Fathomless Valleys for free. 

Next we have some nomadic, psychedelic stoner doom from a band called Temple of the Sun. This is their recently released album, Stone Tools. 

Last is Humboldt Squid and their debut album. This is some good mix of classic rock, stoner rock, a bit of alternative and some good and catchy beats. 

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