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Posts tagged “Tunguska Mammoth

Bandcamp Recommendations 10/27/2011

Bandcamp Recommendations. Here they are, come and get them. All free of course (or name your price).  Enough of my babbling, more of what you want, FREE music!

You are getting sleepy. Very sleepy. When I snap my fingers, you’ll be listening to and downloading 101by Hypnotist. Their doomy, sludgy Sabbath inspired tunes from the Russian Federation will have you vegging out to the tunes. *SNAP*


Bandcamp Recommendations 10/06/2011

Once again there’s some good music out there to be shared with the rest of the world. Music that’s oh so good. Here you go. It’s all free for the taking. Just make sure you give back when possible. Buy physical copies, donate or go see them live. So, here we go.

Hydronaut are a Boston based band featuring Keith Pierce (Mellow Bravo) on vocals. The album, Cinco De Mayo, is a hard and heavy sludge metal album with bits and pieces of hard and classic rock. Fans of Kylesa and Red Fang will like this one.
