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Posts tagged “Confused Little Girl

Top 20 of 2011 – Bill’s Picks

Well it’s that time of year again. Time to name my favorite albums of 2011. 2011 brought us a lot of good stuff by a lot of great bands. 2011 also brought on a lot of surprises from bands that were really unknown until their material was released or well afterwards. Bandcamp played a huge role in music discovery for me. It turned out hundreds of great albums not only released in 2011 but in years past as well. This list, my favorites as well as honorable mentions, is no way a complete list of what was released this year. There is just to much out there that I don’t either have time to get to, never heard of or won’t discover until well after this year is completely over. I know there’s going to be a few surprises. Let it be known that I listened to a LOT of new albums this year and picking my top 20 out of the hundreds was very hard to do.

20. The Sade – Damned Love – (review) I really didn’t know what to expect when this one came across my desk but I needed to check it out. And check it out I did. I was pretty damn impressed that I listened to the album at least 10 times in a row. In my review I stated “The majority of the album is all alchchol fueled hard rock. Throughout my listening of the album I couldn’t help but think that this is what Social Distortion may sound like if they were more rooted in 70′s hard rock as opposed to their punk roots.” Granted it’s been a few months since I’ve listened to it, it still has a strong spot in my top 20.



Confused Little Girl signs to Rotten Records, Tour, and much more!

We are very proud to announce that Confused Little Girl is now signed to Rotten Records. Our new album, Southern Gentlemen, is set to be re-released through them around September and we are very excited about it. You can check them out by going to

We will also be going on tour for over 200 dates to promote and support this album beginning in July beginning with a 20 date east coast jaunt, which we are lovingly referring to as the BEHOLD THE BROKEN EARDRUMS tour. You can see all of the tour dates on our website, but in the meantime here’s a quick poster for this first leg.

In the meantime, you can check us out live at Heavy Rebel Weekender in Winston-Salem, NC July (more…)

Mini Review – Confused Little Girl – Southern Gentleman

Confused Little Girl are a southern hard rock band from Florida. Their third album, , Southern Gentleman was just self released by the band. Their sound can best be described as southern fried hard rock. It’s heavy in all the senses that one would expect. Billy, the vocalist, has a howling voice that’s very close to Al “The Yeti” Bones. The songs are catchy and have you nodding your head in unison to the riffs, especially the songs “Hookers on Horseback” and “We Got A Great Big Convoy”. (more…)